Kinabuhing Kristohanon: a Wali Bisaya Preaching

Kinabuhing Kristohanon: a Wali Bisaya Preaching


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Heartfelt Cebuano Sermon and Kinabuhing Kristohanon Stories

Heartfelt Cebuano Sermon and Kinabuhing Kristohanon Stories

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Kinabuhing Kristohanon: a Wali Bisaya Preaching for Soul

Kinabuhing Kristohanon: a Wali Bisaya Preaching for Soul

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Curious About Me?

Hello, I am Barok, and I'm really excited to talk about my life. I have a wonderful family — my wife Takya and our son. They mean everything to me, and being a good husband and father is my number one job.

Now, I do some pretty cool things besides taking care of my family. I run a Bisaya Podcast with my wife Takya, where we talk about all sorts of things that are interesting to Bisdak like me. When I'm not chatting on the Bisaya Podcast with my wife, I enjoy writing a blog. It's fun because I get to share my thoughts and Hugot Kristiyano stories with other people.

Writing and podcasting are big parts of my life, and I've found a way to use them to spread something positive. You see, I'm also the host of a wali Bisaya preaching for the Kinabuhing Kristohanon together with Pastor Dodz and Takya where we talk about living a life full of faith and kindness. It's special thing for me because I can help others and share the word of God.

Life's busy, but I wouldn't change a thing. Everyday is an adventure, and I love connecting with people through my Bisaya podcasts, Hugot Kristiyano blogs, or just being the best family man I can be.

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“Ang labing maayo nga wali Bisaya nga akong nadungog sukad. Salamat sa Kinabuhing Kristohanon”




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